Your Pastors

John R Martinez and Felicitas (Chita) Martinez

Jesus, my savior!! February 1981, Jesus Christ came into my heart and is continually molding me to HIS image. In spite of all my defects and faults, HE loves me, oh how HE loves me!! My lovely, wife, Felicitas “Chita” Martinez, my High School Sweetheart, and I have been married since 1971! God is Good!

Amazed at what God has done in my life. Never in a million years, did I think I would one day, I would be an Ordained Minister of the Assemblies of God a General District Presbyter of the Southwest District Council of the Assemblies of God, and Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Assembly of God. I just love our Lord Jesus Christ, His mercy, compassion, and forgiveness are beyond words cannot describe.!

I am humbled by his never-failing love and allowing me to be His servant.

And as for my wife, Felicitas “Chita” Martinez know n by the church as “ Pastora Chita”; she has worked with Girls Ministries (FKA Missionettes) for over 30 years at the local, sectional, and district levels.

She received her ordination on July 13, 2016, at our Southwest District Council. She remains very active in the church helping her husband, in all areas. Such as preaching, the nursery, Girls Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Prayer Ministry (Has a very passionate heart and spirit for prayer) and she has indeed a true servant’s heart!

"Trust in the Lord With all Your Heart and Lean not on Your Own Understanding; in all Your Ways Submit to Him, and He Will Make Your Paths Straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6

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